November 2023 Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

Please find below an update on Estate-related matters. We hope it’s helpful.

Security & Gates

We are pleased to confirm that the ANPR & CCTV systems are now operational, with the last few teething problems being ironed out.  At present, the systems are operating with 4G connectivity, but we have (at last, after several months of delay) now received quotes & plans from Openreach for installation of broadband connections to the relevant locations and have given the instruction for this work to go ahead.  We do not yet know the timescale for completion of this work but will continue to use the 4G connectivity in the meantime.

Over the next few weeks we will be undertaking analysis of the data from the ANPR systems to get a better understanding of the typical traffic flow quantities and patterns, including seeking to quantify the extent of cut-through traffic.  We will report the findings from this analysis to you once it is available.  In parallel with this we will be contacting you in the near future to request details of your vehicles (and those of your regular visitors) to populate the ANPR vehicle database.  At present, the ANPR system is not restricting access in any way, but we will be considering options for how it can best be used to manage traffic flows and will present these options for consultation with Owners in due course.

The Mizen Way / Leigh Hill Road gate has continued to be unreliable over the last few weeks, but the necessary replacement of parts was completed on Thursday afternoon (2nd November) since when nearly 2,000 vehicles have passed through it without any further problems, so we hope it will now continue to operate reliably.  Apologies to those that have encountered problems with it not opening of closing correctly whilst its failings were diagnosed and rectified.


The next few road sweeps are booked for Saturday 18th November and Saturday 16th December, and we will be trialling 2 roadsweep vehicles working concurrently across the Estate to get better results. As usual, please could all residents ensure their cars and wheelie bins are off the roads.


As you will know from previous communications, we previously instructed County Clean to conduct a CCTV survey of the drains.  The survey showed that many of the drain pipes are blocked by roots.  County Clean are returning to the Estate on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th November to commence the root cutting exercise. We will then be able to assess the scale of the issue more accurately.

Trees & Verges

Please can we ask all residents to avoid blowing leaves and other debris off their property and into the roads as this exacerbates other issues such as clogged drains and messy streets.

We would like to improve the appearance of the Estate’s gates and as such have decided to get a landscaping design and cost for one entrance. We will share this information as soon as it is complete.


Our retained office administrators at Global Brokers have recently contacted all shareholders to confirm contact details. Please check your spam if you have not received this email.

The 2024 annual contribution of £525 will be requested by email at the beginning of December and is due by 1st January 2024. 

Social Committee

Alex, Lindsey, Simone & Jane have kindly agreed to organise yet another social event for the Estate. Christmas drinks will take place from 4pm on Sunday 10th December outside 22 Mizen Way. Please join us for a festive glass of mulled wine and a mince pie. If you wish to join the social team to help with future events, please email me on

Best wishes,

The OWRA Board.