May 2023 Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

We’d like to update you on few points that we feel might be of interest regarding the Estate. We hope it’s helpful.

 Chairman (David Cope)

 The Annual General Meeting took place on Thursday 27 April 2023 at 7.30pm at The Cobham Curve. It was reasonably well attended with 48 households represented in the room on the night. Please refer to your personal email for the minutes of the meeting if you would like to read a more detailed analysis of the evening.

As a result of David Morris leaving the Board last month, we have reorganised how some of our responsibilities are shared amongst the team. For an up-to-date list of the team’s email addresses and duties please click here.

Security (Graham Marr)

The delivery of the security package continues to be a huge priority for the Board. Our planning application has been validated on Elmbridge Council’s planning website and we await an outcome. We have amended the plans in respect of the position of the CCTV cameras at the 3 footpath locations in order to (1) improve the camera view along the relevant footpath and (2) to take away unintended invasion of privacy issues for some immediately neighbouring properties; the amended plans have been filed with EBC and can be viewed on the planning portal under reference 2023/1010.  Thank you to those residents who have filed supportive comments.  In the meantime, we are focussed on ensuring the other parts of the project (organising UK Power Networks to provide new power supplies at the footpath locations and Openreach to provide broadband connections to all the relevant locations) are lined up to proceed as soon as we have permission to do so.

Trees and Verges (Robert Hamill)

Please could we ask everyone to maintain the verge outside their property regularly during this period of fast growth.

Gates and Roads (Tom Grimshaw)

We have taken the advice of the Estate’s private security provider, DGCS, and altered our gate closure policy if a gate is not functioning correctly. Historically, a broken gate would be left open. Going forward, damaged gates will be locked and signposted until they have been repaired.

Planning (Graham Marr)

You may recall that we wrote to you in December 2022 regarding a planning application to redevelop the plot at 28 Leigh Hill Road that backs onto Broad Highway (between 31BHW and 25OR), with a proposal to replace the existing single dwelling with a block of 7 flats plus 2 semi-detached houses and 1 detached house.  The application remains open, with the applicant having made some minor changes to the plans, mainly in respect of relocating the proposed entrance to the site from Leigh Hill Road.  The application reference is 2022/3436.  These changes have led to the consultation period being extended until 26th May 2023

Nearby residents on both BHW and OR (as well as those on Leigh Hill Road) remain very concerned about these plans as the amendments do not remove the many reasons for objection filed previously by them as well as by many others both within OWE and outside.  You may wish to file a further objection confirming that your previous reasons for objection still apply and have not been removed by the minor changes to the plans.  I will be doing this on behalf of OWRA before the deadline of 26th May.

Social Committee

Our social committee organised a street party for the Estate to celebrate the coronation of King Charles on Sunday 7 May 2023. The event was a huge success with approximately 300-400 people in attendance. The atmosphere at the event was very positive and the team received a lot of grateful feedback from residents. The team would really like to thank all those who donated cakes, brownies and cookies, those who helped out on the day and those who provided tables and gazebos – it was a real community effort. In addition to marking the occasion with family and friends, we raised £860 for the Cobham Food Bank.

Best wishes,

The OWRA Team.