July 2024 Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

Please find below an update on Estate-related matters.


As at the half year we have received all of the invoiced income due (Annual Contributions + Development Contributions). Costs are in line with budgeted expectations for both regular items (e.g. road sweeps) and the projects (e.g. the new street lights). We do not currently anticipate any material expenditure outside of budget in the rest of 2024.

Security: delays to gates & ANPR database

We continue to gather VRN data from residents in advance of going live with the 10 second gate delays later this year. Please email your VRNs to verity.peatfield@owra.co.uk and security@owra.co.uk as soon as possible, if you have not already done so. You will find a form attached to our email dated 11 June 2024 to populate with your household data. Alternatively, feel free to simply type the VRNs into an email, indicating for each one whether it belongs to a resident, friends & family or a service provider.


Phase 1 of the initiative to improve lighting within the Estate is now complete. All our new streetlights are operating well and the feedback we have received from residents is positive. We have already commenced phase 2 of this project, the addition of a further 5 streetlights, which we aim to complete in September 2024.


Following last year’s CCTV survey of the Estate drainage system it became very apparent that there were major issues with the main Thames Water rainwater sewers.  Most of our rainwater gullies flow into this Thames Water system that runs under the verges and out to the Stoke Road.  Having got Thames Water approval we conducted a further investigation of their system. This identified extensive root build up, physical damage and sediment.  We are now working on engaging Thames Water to repair this damage. We continue to work on finalising a fully costed plan to deal with these issues and will present this at a SGM later in the year.


The next road sweeps are booked for Saturday 13 July and Saturday 7 September. As usual, please could all residents make sure their cars and wheelie bins are off the roads to ensure we get the best results achievable from the sweep.

On Tuesday 9 July there will be limited road access at the Oxshott Way gate. This is because a crane will be in place to aid with the removal of some large trees from a resident’s garden.


In the near future, you will notice work on the gates to clean and tidy them. A larger plan to upgrade the gates and entrances is still underway and will be brought to a SGM before action is taken.

Trees & Verges

The annual assessment of the health of our trees took place in June with Mark Lyndsey. We are currently formulating a plan of the next steps and will communicate this as soon as it is agreed.

Best wishes,

The OWRA Board.