April 2025: AGM to be held at The Cobham Curve
The Estate's 2025 AGM will take place during April at The Cobham Curve. Please check your personal email for full details.
15 December 2024: Christmas Drinks
Please join us to celebrate the festive season with mince pies and mulled wine on Sunday 15 December from 4.00-5.30pm on Mizen Way.
9 December 2023: Christmas Drinks
Please join us to celebrate the festive season with mince pies and mulled wine on Sunday 9 December from 4.00-5.30pm on Mizen Way.
18 September 2023: SGM to be held at The Cobham Curve
Please check your personal email for full details.
7 May 2023: King’s Coronation Street Party
King Charles’s Coronation Street Party on Sunday 7 May was a huge success with £860 raised for the Cobham Food Bank.
April 2023: AGM to be held at The Cobham Curve
The Estate's 2023 AGM will take place during April at The Cobham Curve. Please check your personal email for full details.
10 December 2022: Christmas Drinks
Please join us to celebrate the festive season with mince pies and mulled wine on Saturday 10 December from 4.00-5.30pm at the bottom of Broad Highway.
13 October 2022: Autumn Update
Halloween: As in previous years, please could we request that those households wishing to participate in the festivities place a pumpkin or other decorations on their doorstep. Please assume that houses without any decorations are not participating.
Road Sweep: There will be a road sweep on Saturday 15th October from 8am. In order to get the best results from the sweep, please could all residents ensure their cars and wheelie bins are off the roads.
Trees and Verges: Our winter tree works have begun including the removal of old and dead trees. The replanting of new trees will begin from 11 November.
Annual Contributions: Please note that a £500 annual contribution per household will be invoiced in the first week of December, as agreed at the last AGM.
Christmas Drinks: There will be an opportunity to celebrate the festive season together with mince pies and mulled wine on Saturday 10 December from 4-6pm. Further details to follow.
3 June 2022: Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Street Party
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Street Party on Friday 3 June 2022 was a huge success with approximately 300 people in attendance. We raised £617 for the Cobham food bank who were absolutely thrilled.
29 April 2022: 2022 AGM
For information, all agenda items proposed by the management team at yesterday’s AGM were approved by the members present at the meeting, including the security proposal.
29 April 2022: Hydrobags
Hydrobags have been attached to the new trees planted in the autumn to help to establish the new saplings in their first years. If you have a tree with a hydrobag or a newly planted conifer without a hydro bag on your verge, PLEASE can you water it. To fill your hydrobag, please lift the white label on the front to locate the opening and fill with water. Please refill your bag every 3-5 days to give the tree the water needed to establish strong roots.
28 April 2022: AGM to be held at Stoke D’Abernon Village Hall
The Estate's 2022 AGM will take place from 7pm to 9pm on Thursday 28 April at Stoke D’Abernon Village Hall.
18 Feb 2022: Storm Damaged Tree Outside 8-10 Oxshott Rise
The estate's tree surgeon has looked at a storm damaged tree outside 8-10 Oxshott Rise and identified 2 large dangling branches in the crown of the tree. In order to deal with them, he will need to be elevated but current weather conditions make this unsafe. Please can residents avoid walking under the tree or parking cars beneath it until he has completed the work.
15 Jan 2022: Notice of Partial Road Closure on BH / OW / HH Intersection
On Monday 17th January 2022, 9am- 2pm, the intersection of Broad Highway, Oxshott Rise and Harebell Hill will be closed due to the felling of a large tree on verge outside 31 Broad High Way.