March 2023 Newsletter
Hi Everyone,
We’d like to update you on a few key recent points of interest regarding the Estate. We hope it’s helpful. Please also note that the Estate’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 27 April 2023 at 7.30pm at The Cobham Curve.
Security (David Morris)
Some of you may have noticed that works have not yet started on the CCTV and ANPR, contrary to our email of 15 February. Following the SGM in January, the contracts with Lantec were signed and Lantec expressed a desire to commence the civil engineering works (laying concrete foundations) on Monday 20 February due to the availability of their contractor team. However, we were advised not to proceed with this work at some of the locations as the proximity of various trees may have caused complications with the planning process. It was then decided that just proceeding with work at the remaining locations was not cost efficient, so no work was undertaken.
There are many strands to the project which make it very complex and time consuming. The proposed locations of all the components of the CCTV and ANPR equipment have been agreed with Lantec and we are now able to proceed with various other aspects of the project, including in particular:
obtaining planning permission from EBC
arranging for UK Power Networks to provide new power supplies at the footpath locations
arranging for Openreach to provide broadband connections to all the relevant locations (both gates and footpaths).
All aspects are in progress, but they take time and each one involves a lot of bureaucracy, given the multiple parties involved. We are continuously reviewing the interaction of the various steps and their timing, with the aim of completing the project as quickly as possible whilst avoiding undue risk and cost.
Roads and Drains (Paul Vasili & Tom Grimshaw)
On Monday 13 March 2023, work will commence to repair a patch of road at the bottom of Broad Highway that was damaged by tree roots. Work to replace the curb at the entrance of the Oxshott Way will also commence. The gate will be operational but please drive carefully as there will be workers present the whole week. The entrance will be tarmacked following the curb works and the gate will be closed for 48 hours on Monday 20 March & Tuesday 21 March. We plan to resurface the road at the bottom of Mizen Way once the CCTV install has taken place.
A road sweep has been organised for Saturday 1st April. Please ensure all cars and bins are removed from the road to enable best results for the sweep.
Trees and Verges (Robert Hamill)
We are pleased to inform you that the pathway on Oxshott Way was fully refurbished over a 3 week period during February. Extensive weed removal was carried out (the path was completely overgrown in some places), new matting was laid where necessary and fresh gravel was applied to the recovered pathway. We hope you agree that it looks considerably better. Later in the year we plan to carry out the same process on Mizen Way’s pathway.
Please can we remind all residents that bins should be kept within their property outside of ‘bin day’. A handful of residents are routinely storing their bins on the verge outside of their property, causing the estate to look untidy.
Planning (Graham Marr)
There have been no significant planning developments in terms of new planning applications or planning decisions by EBC since the last newsletter in respect of properties within the Estate.
In respect of properties outside the Estate in which we have some interest:
the application for the 5G mast on Stoke Road (adjacent to 53 Oxshott Way) was refused on 22nd February, however an appeal by Hutchison is possible
the applications for multi-flat & house developments at 28 Leigh Hill Road (backing onto Broad Highway) and 40 Fairmile Lane (almost opposite the Mizen Way Gate) are still open. Both applications have around 100 objections.
Social Committee
Our social committee is organising a street party for the Estate to celebrate the coronation of King Charles. This will take place on Sunday 7 May 2023 at 3pm. We’d love to see as many of you there as possible so please save the date! Details to follow.
Finances (Rebecca Mayhew)
The OWRA accounts for 2022 are with the Independent Examiner and will be ready for the AGM. The draft budget for 2023 is with budget holders for fine tuning and will be presented at the AGM for approval.
Best wishes,
The OWRA Team.