Planning Guidelines
This page sets out the policies of Oxshott Way Residents Association Ltd. towards the building of extensions and the redevelopment of properties on the Estate. It is intended to provide the latest information and guidance to purchasers, residents, advisers and property developers.
OWRA is the owner of the Estate roads, verges, common areas and infrastructure. The Directors of OWRA are elected by the owners with a mandate to represent the interests of all of the owners on the Estate. The Directors are therefore responsible for the execution of the policies set out in the Guidelines on behalf of the owners and deal with planning matters.
The estate
The Oxshott Way Estate is a desirable place to live largely because of its unique ambiance. The roads, verges and trees, together with the type and size of houses and house plots, provide the visual impact and peaceful environment, which make the Estate an enjoyable place in which to live. OWRA’s role is to preserve, maintain and, where possible, enhance this desirable environment for the benefit of residents, both as a place to live and as a property investment.
In addition to maintaining the infrastructure of the Estate, OWRA also has a vital role to play in maintaining its character. The Estate was originally developed in the 1930s in a consistent style that was heavily influenced by the Arts & Crafts Movement and the Surrey style as explained in the Surrey Design Guide. Over the years many houses have been altered and new properties built but the Estate has managed to maintain its overall character and charm, which are valued so highly by both existing and new residents.
A number of recent rebuilds on the estate have included Air Heat Pump installations. Air Heat Pumps provide an efficient way of heating your home, however, unless properly sound insulated, they can be noisy. Please be considerate of others by ensuring that your installation includes a good quality 'acoustic hood'.
The Association requires a Development Fee to be paid when a property is fully or substantially rebuilt, remodelled or extended. This payment is charged both to offset actual and latent wear and tear to the Estate roads and infrastructure and to compensate for all other losses caused by the works and is payable prior to commencement, including any demolition of an existing building.
The Development Fee is based on the total Gross Internal Area, GIA, of the new building as defined in the planning application form submitted to Elmbridge Borough Council.
(Note that the definition of GIA is as defined in the 6th Edition of the RICS Code of Measuring Practice.) Development Fees are reviewed on a regular basis at each AGM and for 2022 this has been set at £30 per square metre.
The Directors wish to deal with all planning matters in a positive and helpful manner. Their experience is that mutually satisfactory outcomes are achieved where residents or developers engage the planning officers at the earliest possible stage in the planning process. The assistance of the planning officers is intended to eased the process of a planning application rather than restricted it.
The Association also encourages residents to inform their immediate neighbours at the earliest opportunity of their intentions to undertake development work. The engagement of the owners of adjacent properties at an early stage will normally assist the planning process and help to avoid potential disputes or objections. The Directors may also seek the views of the immediate neighbours of the property concerned before commenting on plans to the owner or developer.
Enquiries relating to planning matters should be directed in the first instance to the Planning Officer via Details of the current officers and members of the Committee of the Association (and Directors of the Company) can also be found here on the website.