
Our roads were first made at the end of the 1930s when the Estate was developed on land previously belonging to Brook Farm. As the roads are private, with no public vehicular right of way, residents are responsible for their upkeep.


The Estate is only responsible for the surface water soakaways on Estate owned land but not for water supplies, sewerage drains or surface water drainage on individually owned properties. Regular road sweeping takes place (see below) but it is helpful if home owners keep soakaways on the road outside their property free of debris in between the sweeps.


Road sweeping is carried out by our contractors on a regular basis and additional sweeps are provided when it is necessary, within the constraints of our fairly tight budget. It is very helpful if vehicles are parked off the roads during sweep days.


The trees and verges on the Estate are owned by the OWRA. Residents are asked to maintain the verges outside their properties to help keep costs down. The trees are cared for using part of your annual subscriptions. We cannot do everything we would like to because of budget constraints, but we endeavour to respond to residents specific concerns during the annual tree works. Our present tree surgeons have worked on the Estate for many years, and always try to respond to emergency situations, giving us priority. Please do not cut/maintain any Estate owned tree yourself, instead please contact the Board with any concerns.