October 2024 Newsletter
Hi Everyone,
Please find below an update on Estate-related matters.
We are slowly progressing with the drains project. As you may remember, we completed a CCTV survey of all of the OWRA infrastructure (from the gulleys to the sewer) and this identified considerable issues with root blockages and breakages. It also identified considerable problems with the Thames Water infrastructure (the main rainwater sewers that run down the side of each road). We then surveyed the Thames Water network with the aim of getting them to rectify the faults in their sewers.
On receipt of the report, Thames Water were reluctant to act as they said they had no reported issues with flooding on the Estate. We explained that this was due to a previous misunderstanding regarding who owned the sewers. We rectified this situation by then reporting the historic issues to them. It is really important that we continue to do this.
If you have any flooding issues recently or in the future please email customer.feedback@thameswater.co.uk and quote reference 33535562.
Recently, Thames Water have sent out several teams to start resolving the issues related to the emails sent in regarding flooding issues on Oxshott Way and Mizen Way. They are also reviewing our full CCTV report in light of these issues and we hope that they will come back with a plan to rectify the larger structural issues (broken pipes and connections).
Meanwhile, we are progressing in pulling together the costed plan for the OWRA infrastructure. We have engaged a new Drains Engineer to manage the project. He has completed a full O/S mapping of the Estate and utilities map and is now finalising a prioritised plan. We will put this plan out to tender and then come back to the Estate for finance authorisation.
The next road sweep is booked for Saturday 19 October and fortnightly thereafter until the end of the year. As usual, please could all residents make sure their cars and bins are off the roads.
As detailed in last month’s newsletter, Jennings have been retained to plane and resurface two short stretches of road on the Estate, a small number of potholes and two areas of buckled kerbstones. This work is due to take place this month and we will advise exact timing once we have it. A stretch towards top of Oxshott Rise and a slightly larger area of Mizen Way will be closed off for periods to allow planning and full resurfacing; works in total will be approximately 4 days and we will give as much notice as we can.
Trees & Verges
Planned high tree work in Oxshott Way and Harebell Hill has been delayed due to bad weather. It is now scheduled to take place on 4 and 5 November and may require temporary road closures for safety reasons.
Best wishes,
The OWRA Board.